I wonder

18 November 2012

Thanksgiving throughout November - Day 18

Wow! It's November 18th! Can you believe that? I just can't accept that this month is nearly over. Thanksgiving is around the corner, within days, and I'm not prepared. I just keeping thinking about all the homework I need to get done and how far behind I feel. Geez. I know somehow and someway I'll get it all done. But not without stress.
Today I'm really thankful for quiet days. Today really was so quiet at home. I got quite a bit of homework done, got the dishes done, got the sheets washed, went grocery shopping, and was able to get a few other small things done. I think if today had been like some other days I wouldn't have gotten so much done. And it feels nice to have a sense of accomplishment. I feel like I can go into the new week with some stuff done and a good start to get a lot more done the rest of the week. Quiet days really need to happen more often.