I wonder

09 November 2013

Bunco is Back

Last month, my bunco girls decided we would start playing bunco again. YAY! 

Here is the story of the Friday Night Bunco Bitches Group.

A long time ago, 12 women got together to talk about doing something once a month to give them a break from their normal lives. And so it was done, these 12 women were going to play bunco (a dice game) one Friday a month. 
They played for many years before inviting me to their group. I found what I needed emotionally from the group at the time that I started playing. But, catty attitudes and girl drama caused 5 of them to drop out suddenly. 

We were left staggering with thoughts of frustration and feeling abandoned at the card table. A new player was introduced and we prevailed, although we were a smaller group. 

For several more years, a few players came and went, but the core 6 players continued on with their traditional bunco ladies night. But then, a career changed the way the game was played. One player moved far, far away and we were left with only 7 players. 

More cattiness and girl drama took place, leading another player to quit. 

We were down to 5 players before we knew it, not really enough to fill the tables and play the game. It was then we knew that it was time to quit playing. 

We tried to continue with ladies night by doing a recipe club. It was quite apparent though that the recipe club did not hold the same thrill and commitment that bunco did for each player. 

The struggle to get together once a month lasted a year and it was clear what the outcome of recipe club was going to be. Starting bunco again had to be done if we wanted to continue getting together. 

We rolled the dice, asked a few people to play, and had our first game in a year last night. 

Only one new player joined the group, leaving us to play with a ghost every time. It's nice to be playing again regardless of the small group and nontraditional way of playing bunco. It was fun to be back at the table yelling at dice, screaming bunco, and just generally being obnoxious again. 

I won the boobie prize last night, which was an awesome prize BTW! See picture at the end of the post.

Our host picked out some great Christmas decorations which made me realize that I have two weeks before Thanksgiving and only a few more weeks after that is Christmas. I gotta get my Christmas shopping done. But I digress.

Bunco was fun and it is nice to get back to the original ladies night!

Bunco Boobie Prize 

1 comment:

Natalie Schafer said...

Cute pictures you posted in this telling! I love bunco so much! I have mine this Thursday, so excited!!! Awesome prize, I love it!