I wonder

04 January 2014

New recipes added - CHECK THEM OUT!

Hello Blogging Friends, 

I have just added new recipe pages. I recommend you take a peak and maybe try one. 

If I can get my friends (YOU, READER, I'M TALKING TO YOU) on board with doing weekly cooking challenges, I am so down to try it.

What I mean: 
Each week, pick a new type of recipe to try. This can be ethnic or dietary, but just something out of our normal recipe box, but we all have to cook a recipe from the same genre for that week.

Then share our results and give feedback. 

Trying new stuff 
Expanding our kitchen skills 
Having good conversations
So many benefits, do I have to list them all? 


Ferren said...

I'm totally on board with doing this!

Unknown said...

YES!!!!! YAY!!!! We'll email about how we will set this up. :) XOXO