I wonder

28 March 2011

14 - New IPhone Gives Hours of Entertainment

Alright, this picture is not pretty, it is not interesting, it isn't even artistic. This picture is just funny.

I got this great application for my iPhone 4 called CamWow. It's like those crazy mirrors at the state fair that distorts your face. I can't tell you how many pictures I've taken with this app., too many too share. Most of them are of me. Would it be vain for me to post a picture of myself?

So this picture is Ava, my darling little domestic feline princess. She has been sick lately, between a stomach issue to eye infections, she has been more lazy than normal and not talking to me as much. So in this picture she was begging for my attention. She was purring, following me around and just waiting for me to pet her.

Once I obeyed, she just laid there. I had to start taking the pictures.

I must say, this app. is awesome and plan to take many more pictures with it.


Natalie Schafer said...

It is way funny, love it

Melissa Buckner said...

You should see the other pictures