I wonder

21 March 2011

7 - Fortune Cookie's Fortune

I'm on a Panda Express kick right now. It seems I have to eat there every Sunday. That place just makes me happy.

Regardless if I finish all my food, I always eat my fortune cookie right away. When I received my little, white paper yesterday I laughed. It said, "You have a good head for matters of money." This was funny to me because sometimes I can be an impulse shopper and I often want to purchase things I don't need.

In the last couple of years though, I've become better at managing my money. I try to budget it and think about what I'm spending my hard earned cash on. It's not easy, but the end result is worth it.

Maybe my fortune yesterday means I will continue getting better with my financial matters. Maybe it means I should stay diligent with what I'm doing now. Maybe it means that I will have great success. Or maybe it's a warning to watch myself on my purchases.

Whatever this fortune cookie's fortune means, I like it.

1 comment:

Natalie Schafer said...

Ohhhh I am hungry! :) I like the coloring on your picture