I wonder

11 November 2012

Thanksgiving throughout November - Day 11

Today was a great day. I was busy the whole day and didn't get as much done as I wanted to, but overall I can't complain. I spent the majority of my day taking pictures for friends and family...and let me tell you what, I'm thinking that my true passion and desire to do this as a career is coming back. I had so much fun. I think I had more fun spending the time with everyone than taking the pictures. But the pictures looked great too.
When I got home, I copied all the pictures onto the computer and flipped through them. I'm pleased. I think my photography is improving, which makes me very happy.
So today I am genuinely thankful that these folks trusted me enough to help create memories with them and that I was able to capture them forever so they have something to cherish. It was such an honor to be asked and I had so much fun being a part of it.


Clinton Painter said...

Awesome! Create those memories. Glad you had a great dsy.

Natalie Schafer said...

I am so glad that you feel that way! You did great and I love them! I posted some on my blog they are so cute! Thanks Melissa!

Unknown said...

Welcome! :D