I wonder

26 November 2012

Thanksgiving throughout November - Day 26

As we near the end of the month, you would think that it would become harder to find things to be thankful for. But I'm finding through this challenge that it's becoming easier. I'm thinking more often about the things I'm thankful for rather than the things I'm not thankful for. That's one thing I can definitely be thankful for. But that is not what today's key point is. Today's thought, I'm really thankful for my education and (for now) the path I have taken with it.
Right now I'm studying Sociology, and to narrow that down, I'm taking a Race and Ethnicity course. I wasn't really sure what to expect out of this class but now that it's almost over I can honestly say that I've gotten so much out of it. This class has really opened my eyes to the reality of racial issues and to different cultures. I thought I knew before what was really going on and really I was so ignorant and blind by what's really going on, it actually made me sad. But then I realized I should be thankful ... I am thankful that I am seeing more clearly now the history of the races in America and around the globe. There are feelings of disappointment and disgust in learning about it, but I'm also seeing real human courage and strength to get what is rightfully theirs because we each have the right to have a good, prosperous, fruitful life. The stories of the people who have stood up to the face of racism are encouraging and bring hope that change is possible.
One of the books I read for this class is called Race Matters, by Cornel West. In all honesty, this was not the book I wanted to read. I was kind of left scrambling for a book and this was the only one the bookstore had. So I bought it with a cringe. After reading it and being a little confused by some of it and reading my text book I feel almost enlightened. My opinions on racial issues are growing. I can't say they are changing because I don't think I really had any to begin with, at least not educated ones. The book is not that easy to read, I had to keep a dictionary up online so I could quickly look up words I didn't know, but when I understood the context, the thoughts of the issues and what needs to be done or what can be done rushed in.
Even though there are so many social issues in this country, we are so lucky here that we are trying to move forward to a position of mankind equality where we see each other on an equal playing field. I can only hope that in my lifetime we are closer to this dream than ever before.
I am genuinely thankful I have the opportunity to expand my mind in areas like this so I'm not just another ignorant person and that maybe one day I can be a part of the change.

1 comment:

Clinton Painter said...

I think this is an awesome post! I especially liked the line "my opinions on racial issues are growing". We all have this responsibility to open our minds and our knowledge on all sides of race. Thanks for this post!