I wonder

16 November 2012

Thanksgiving throughout November - Day 16

Once a month I get together with some of my favorite girls to play bunco. I've been playing for nearly 4 years now and I still look forward to this night. It's such a great reason to get together with girls I don't talk to all the time and catch up. They have such great personalities and are really able to just be good friends.
Tonight is bunco and I'm so ready for it. I've been stressing a lot lately about little things and honestly, it's getting to me. I was bitching today about getting my oil changed and doing my registration renewal on my car. Pretty sure I got ripped off. I think I actually got too upset over this and after cooling off (which took about an hour), I realized I got to emotionally upset over something I couldn't change. Bunco is really needed tonight. This is a night where I can put all my frustrations aside and just chill out. Starting tomorrow, I'm back on the school / study hard horse and not looking forward to it. I need to really bust my butt to get everything done so I can pass my classes this semester.
In closing, this bunco group has been there for me for a really long time and while I've gone through so much. I'm so thankful that I know these women and that they are committed to playing no matter what comes up. We all need to let loose sometimes and who better to let loose with than with some fun damn girls. BUNCO!  


Natalie Schafer said...

We still need to talk about your bunco group! I hope one day we have a spot you can fill!

Unknown said...

Yes we do!