I wonder

06 November 2012

Thanksgiving throughout November - Day 6

Well, today was a good day for me but at the same time it was stressful. I have been dealing with traffic and anxious people for most the day and it's been wearing on me. But seeing how I'm committed to being thankful for something every day throughout this month I will have to suck up the exhaustion and just do it.
Today I want to say I am so thankful we have the option to vote. Very fitting for this Election day. Think about it, in other countries throughout the world they don't have the same opportunity as we do to select some of their public leaders. Even if my vote doesn't make a difference for the president, it makes it difference for the local representatives in our area. I get to say yay or nay to people I think will best represent my beliefs and values. This sense of voice means so much. I don't have to be a victim of opinion prison like so many people in other parts of the world do. With that, these votes do make a difference because these people will guide our society in directions necessary to go in order to progress, or regress. Either way, it's important and we are very lucky to have this right in our country.
Even though I don't always agree with politics and a lot of the time I'm disappointed, I'm glad that I get to have a say. I can't imagine how suffocating it must feel to not be able to do anything, absolutely nothing about who represents me. I can confidently say that I will support the people who are up for the job, that will display integrity and determination to do the right thing. Who knows, maybe one day I could be asking for your votes for me to represent you. I think I could potentially be a great candidate for this society. Time will tell....


Natalie Schafer said...

Agreed. I think you worded exactly how I feel very well here Melissa! Good job!

Clinton Painter said...

Great Post Melissa! I agree with you, it is important to be able to voice our opinions for those people we think best represent us.